Bohemian Switzerland:

Day Trips:
The first thought that comes to most people’s minds when the Czech Republic is mentioned is Prague. Which is totally understandable, as Prague is iconic, and gorgeous.
Soutěsky Kamenice:
The first stop on our Bohemian excursion were the Gorges of Kamenice, a deep and narrow mossy valley carved out of sandstone.
The pole boats glided over the dark shallow waters, taking us for a short ride through narrow passes between grey-green lichen crusted slabs of rock.
Pravcicka Gate:
Pravcicka Gate is undoubtedly the most photographed location in Bohemian Switzerland, and with good reason. Just look at it. It’s huge.
Saxon Switzerland National Park
Laying adjacent to Bohemian Switzerland, Saxon Switzerland National Park is located right across the German border.
For read more: 7 Wonderful Things To Do In Switzerland
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